
[1] 'Shall We See The Day?' (March 1964)

[2] 'Peace good to live in' (August 1964). '3000 people all looking at me', also written in August 1964, was inspired by Melbourne's Hiroshima commemoration march (from Frankston to the CBD).; 'Song of the Survivor' (no date) also referred to Hiroshima.

[3] 'The Big 'E' ' (October 1964).

[4] 'The Chaplain' (November 1964) with reference to the gospel of Matthew (26: 50-53).

[5] 'The Defiant Digger'(July 1964).

[6] 'Conscription is an Evil Thing'(November 1964).

[7] 'They're conscripting all the young blokes in the Army (I am gonna study war no more)' (November 1964).

[8] 'The Troopship'(early December 1964).

[9] ‘The Little Nasho Register’ (January 19, 1965)

[10] Lyrics January 13, 1965, title unknown.

[11] Lyrics January 26, 1965, title unknown.

[12] ‘In the Dew of the Morning’ (April 8, 1965).

[13] ‘We’re sending our brave servicemen’ (April 30, 1965). Elsewhere, in another song (undated) referring to Cabot Lodge and Menzies, I characterized Australia as a ‘U.S satellite colony’.

[14] ‘USS Vancouver’ (May 18, 1965).  A version of this song was eventually published, along with other Australian contributions, in Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber (eds.), The Vietnam Songbook (New York, The Guardian, 1969).  Sarcasm was also used in another song (undated): Sir Robert oh Sir Robert – protect our lovely land Keep us from the Communists that fight in South Vietnam

[15] ‘I won’t be lying down’ (January 11, 1965).

[16] ‘Too Young to Vote but not too Young to Die’ (January 14, 1965).

[17] ‘Come all you Boys of Nineteen Years’ (April 1965).

[18] Lyrics June 11, 1965, title unknown.

[19] The YCAC was not established in Melbourne until August 22, 1965. The YCAC declaration (‘We Oppose Overseas Conscription’) took up a whole page in The Australian newspaper of June 19, 1965.  It was initiated by Sydney YCAC and had 144 signatories.

[20] See Dr. J.F. Cairns, Vietnam – Is it Truth We Want? (Victorian ALP, Foreword A. Calwell, August 18, 1965).

[21] ‘I’m a Man of Peace’ (June 11, 1965).

[22] Letter from W. K. Allen, Registrar Department of Labour and National Service, September 21, 1965, to Kenneth John Mansell 9 Meyer Road Burwood (Reg No. 2019455).